Head of the Department

Dr. K.A.S.H. Kulathilake
Senior LecturerSenior Lecturer

Mrs. Thilini Irugalbandara
Senior Lecturer (on Study Leave)
Mrs. Anupama Gunathilaka
Senior Lecturer (on Study Leave)Lecturer

Mr. Nishantha Weerakoon
Mr. P.S. Palliyaguruge
Mr. N.M.A.P.B. Nilwakka
LecturerLecturer (Probationary)

Ms. Ishantha Hewarathne
Lecturer (Probationary) (on Study Leave)
Ms. A.K.N.L. Aththanagoda
LECTURER (PROBATIONARY)Senior Lecturer (Temporary)

Mr. Akalanka Hettige
Senior Lecturer (Temporary)Lecturer (Temporary)

Ms. Piyumi Herath
Lecturer (Temporary)
Mrs. M.M.A. Nisansala
Mr. Pabasara Surasinghe
Lecturer (Temporary)
Miss. B Rameesha Madhurangi
Lecturer (Temporary)Temporary Demonstrators