The Department of Computing is calling applications for BSc (Honors) in Information Technology Degree Program from 17/18 Batch of the Faculty of Applied Sciences.
The application deadline is 20th March, 2023.
The minimum requirements to apply for the Honors degree program are as follows:
- A student must obtain a minimum GPA of 3.00 for all compulsory courses offered within the first five semesters (i.e. Until end of 3rd Year 1st semester)..
- The total credits earned during the first five semesters should not include more than 8 credits with D grades and any credit with an E grade.
- FDNs and the compulsory IDC must be completed at least with a minimum of C grade by the time students apply for the Honors degree program.
N.B. Extra-curricular activities will be considered as additional qualifications, provided he/she has obtained the minimum requirements for applying, given above.
Applications Procedure:
- You are required to submit two documents. (Available at the Download page of the department website)
- The applicants can choose one or more supervisors from the internal staff and/or from external organizations.
- The applicants are required to discuss with their supervisors to select appropriate topics to prepare a pre-proposal.
- Make a single PDF using two documents mentioned above.
- The link to submit your final document is available at the LMS, under the 3rd year Group Project course.
Head/Department of Computing, FAS, RUSL