MPhil / PhD Programs
- Registration: The candidate whose application for studentship has been accepted by the Senate shall be informed by the Assistant Registrar of the Faculty to register for the program. After such intimation, the candidate shall register by paying the fees as imposed by the University .
- Date of Registration: No registration shall be valid until the specified registration fees have been paid, which should be done within a month of receipt of the letter approving the registration. The effective date of registration (if all requirements are met) would be the date on which the duly completed application was received by the Faculty office. A person who registered for an MPhil degree at first, can get the registration upgraded to a PhD after a minimum of one year (if full time) and two years (if part time) duration on the recommendation of the relevant supervisor(s), Board of Study followed by those of the PGU, Faculty Board and approval of the Senate.
- Maintenance of Registration: It shall be obligatory for each candidate to make a written request for the renewal of the registration annually with the recommendation of the supervisor/s, the Board of Study, and with the payment of the fees specified by the University. Such renewals should be continued until the completion of the program of study.
- Concurrent Registration: The candidate is expected to get the approval of supervisors if he/ she is seeking simultaneous registration for any other course/ examination/ diploma or degree. The candidate should request the faculty through the supervisor/s, the Board of Study and the Chairperson, PGU if such registration is sought. The current research data must not be submitted for any other higher or lower qualification.
- Withdrawal from a Program: A postgraduate student wishing to withdraw from the program for which he/ she is registered, should do so in writing through the supervisor/s, the Head of the respective department (if employed), Chairperson of the relevant Board of Study to the Chairperson of the PGU. Fees paid until such time shall not be refunded.
- Amendments to Registration: Any changes in the personal information submitted at initial registration should be communicated at the earliest to the Assistant Registrar’s Office of the Faculty. A candidate who wishes to make any amendment such as thesis topic/ title or the candidature status should do so in writing to the Chairperson PGU. All amendments should receive the approval of the supervisor/s, the PGU, the Faculty Board, and finally the Senate.
- Postponement of Registration: A candidate who desires to postpone registration should do so in writing through the supervisor/s and the Head of the Department they work for/ they are attached to, to the Chairperson of PGU giving reasons for, and the duration of such postponement. Each request shall be considered on its own merit by the relevant Board of Study.
- Commencing Research: If a candidate does not begin the research within one calendar year from the date of registration, the original approval shall lapse and the candidate must apply again to the University if he/ she still intends to proceed with the higher degree program. Candidates should note that only data collected on and after the date of registration is eligible to be included as results in the thesis.
- Readmission: A postgraduate student, who fails to maintain his/ her registration, shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the stipulated study. If he/ she wishes to re-enter, the procedure shall be the same as for initial registration including the payment of all imposed fees.
- Cancellation of Registration: A registration will be cancelled by the PGU and reported to the Faculty Board on the recommendation of the Board of Study for the following reasons:
- Failure to complete the qualifying examination/s (if any) within the time allowed.
- Non- payment of prescribed fees (renewal fees) within the first six months of each year.
- Failure to fulfill coursework requirement within a maximum period of two years from the date of registration.
- Failure to submit two successive progress reports in time.
- Non- adherence to Rules and Regulations of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka.
- Unsatisfactory progress in research (as reported by the Board of Study).
- Academic dishonesty (violation of publication ethics, discrepancies with data (data fabrication) etc.).
- Leave of absence from the Program: Leave of absence from the program (other than sick leave) will not be granted under normal circumstances. However, leave may be considered under extenuating circumstances on a written request accompanying documentary evidence thereof made by the candidate on the recommendation of the supervisor/s and Board of Study to the Chairperson of PGU. The candidate should maintain the continuity of registration by paying the relevant fees unless an exemption from payment of fees during the period of leave is granted by the PGU. A request for medical leave over one month must be made through the Principal Supervisor to the PGU by submitting a medical certificate issued from a government hospital or any acceptable authority.
- Correspondence: All correspondences should be forwarded to the Chairperson/ Postgraduate Unit (PGU) through the supervisor/s, Head of the respective Department and the Board of Study.
- Attending continuing education and other relevant activities: It is mandatory that the candidate, should attend any courses of study, workshops, seminars, lectures and other continuing education activities in the university or other specified institutions as recommended by the supervisor/s.
- Student Identity card: Assistant Registrar of the Faculty will make necessary arrangements to provide identity cards to registered students and will inform the Librarian, to provide students with library cards.
- Library facilities: Librarian of the main library and Senior Assistant Librarian/s of the Faculty/ies will make necessary arrangements for registered students to use facilities in these libraries.
- Other facilities: The postgraduate students are eligible to use computer labs and internet facilities in the Faculty, computer lab in the main campus and two Health Centers in the main campus
- Fees and exemption from fees: Fees payable by students is prescribed by the University. These are approved by the senate and subject to revision from time to time. On the recommendation of Dean and Vice Chancellor, employees of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka who are probationary/ confirmed would be exempt from bench fees, library fees and internet fees.