- Masters in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence – Postgraduate Institute of Science, University of Peradeniya (Reading)
- Bachelor of Science Honours in Information Technology – University of Jaffna (2021)
Research Interests
- Computer Vision
- Image Processing
- Deep Learning
- Temporary Lecturer (2025, January to Present), Department of Computing, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka.
- Temporary Lecturer (2022 October – 2022 November), Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya, Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.
- Demonstrator (2022 February – 2022 October), Department of Physical Science, Faculty of Applied Science, University of Vavuniya, Sri Lanka.
- The Excellent Paper Award for the paper “Period Prediction of Sinhala Epigraphical Scripts using Convolutional Neural Networks” IEEE 21st International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), Sri Lanka, 2021.
- 3rd Place in Startup Weekend Negombo – Silicon Beach, 2017.
Indexed Journals
- Pabasara, S., and Kokul, T., “A Period Prediction System for Sinhala Epigraphical Scripts using Ensemble CNNs and Attention Modules” ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT), vol.18, no.04, pp-555-567, 2024. DOI: 10.37936/ecti-cit.2024184.256931.
International Conferences
- Pabasara, S., Keerthiha, K., Papiththira, S., and Kokul, T., “Disease Diagnosis From Facial Alternations Using Ensemble CNNs” IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing and Systems Engineering (SCSE), Sri Lanka, April 2024. DOI: 10.1109/SCSE61872.2024.10550446.
- Pabasara, S., Pasan, H., and Kokul, T., “An Efficient Real-Time Air Drumming Approach Using MediaPipe Hand Gesture Model” IEEE 5th International Conference on Advancements in Computing 2023 (ICAC 2023), Sri Lanka, December 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICAC60630.2023.10417426.
- Pabasara, S., Papiththira, S., and Kokul, T., “Detection and Visualization of Neglected Tropical Skin Diseases using EfficientNet and Grad-CAM” IEEE 5th International Conference on Advancements in Computing 2023 (ICAC 2023), Sri Lanka, December 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICAC60630.2023.10417550.
- Pabasara, S., and Kokul, T., “An Efficient Knock Code Decoding Approach to assist the People with Communication Impairments”, In IEEE International Conference on Advanced Research in Computing (ICARC’23), February 2023. DOI: 10.1109/ICARC57651.2023.10145583.
- Pabasara, S., Kokul, T., “Period Prediction of Sinhala Epigraphical Scripts using Convolutional Neural Networks” IEEE 21st International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions (ICTer), Sri Lanka. 2021. DOI: 10.1109/ICter53630.2021.9774806.